Pelham Together has gathered the below resources to support the health, well-being and connections of LBGTQ youth and families of our community. 

If you have additional resources to recommend, please email Melissa Ronan, LMSW, at


Service Providers



Other Resources



Language to consider

Preferred: gay (adj.), gay man, bisexual person, lesbian(n.), queer person

Avoid: homosexual (as a n. or adj.), gays (n.)

Preferred: sexual orientation, orientation

Avoid: sexual preference

Preferred: LGBTQ people and their lives

Avoid: gay lifestyle, transgender lifestyle

Preferred: marriage equality, marriage for gay/lesbian couples, marriage

Avoid: gay marriage or same-sex marriage

Preferred: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community

Avoid: gay community

Preferred: transgender (adj.), trans (adj.)

Avoid: transgendered, a transgender (n.), transvestite, tranny (slur)

Preferred: gender identity, gender expression

Avoid: sexual identity

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