Mental Wealth


When we talk about “mental health,” it’s often in terms of mental illness, like depression or anxiety, eating disorders, or panic attacks. The terms we use as the opposite of mental health are “emotional well-being” or “wellness,” vague terms with positive connotations but no clear standards. At Pelham Together, we want to encourage “mental wealth,” a standard that encourages proactive attention to our mental health. Too often, we pay attention to our mental health only in reaction to negative circumstances like stress, grief, relationship problems or serious physical illness. When we are reactive, we are playing catch-up, and trying to protect our mental health while coping with a life stressor at the same time.

This section on mental wealth encourages attention to mental health even when life is going smoothly. We can build our mental health resources, through self-care, attention to our relationships, and activities like mindfulness and gratitude. Then we’ll increase our day-to-day contentment and be better prepared for the curve balls that life inevitably throws.

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