Seth Perler, Executive Function Coach and Educator

Provider Type: Coach, Education Consultant, Advocate

Specialties: I specialize in Executive Function, ADHD and 2e, Twice Exceptional learners. I wear a lot of hats, Education Consultant, Advocate, Speaker, Writer, YouTuber, Parent Coach, EF and ADHD Coach, etc. I am dedicated to helping kids overcome “Executive Functioning” challenges so they can have great futures, despite outdated educational systems.

Approaches: My mission is to give you, compassionate & proactive parents, educators and others who help kids, honest, practical and unconventional approaches to helping complicated, neurodiverse, struggling students, without b.s. or misinformation. And teach the world about Executive Function, which is at the root of most student struggles. Making an impact is serious work for me because mental health problems are on the rise and begin in childhood, related EF problems impact quality of life, I cannot stand to see kids suffer needlessly, and we know we have tools to help people.

Fees: Free resources, free student success toolkit and courses for parents, teachers and professionals.

Insurance: N/A

Sliding Scale Offered: N/A


Licenses / Certifications: B.A. Education, M.A. Gifted Education/Special Education