Project Happiness

Project Happiness is back for 2023! A new crop of teens have taken the lead and we can’t wait to hear what your K-4th graders think! Keep reading for more info, videos of teens enjoying their boxes, and the link to register. . .

Welcome to Project Happiness!

Pelham Together created Project Happiness as a fun way for young children to nurture mindfulness. Mindfulness can come in very handy when young people (or any of us) are faced with big feelings. Being mindful can help us identify our feelings and work through them, so they don’t control us.

Whether or not you have already participated, it’s never too late to start! When you register you will receive a delivery from a local teen, including a card explaining the various items in the bag, some items to assemble, create, and enjoy (fair warning to parents. . . there is a small container of Play Doh 🙂), and a note from a teen, all COMPLETELY FREE!! The activities provide solid strategies for kids to learn to manage those big feelings.

If you have already created a Happiness Box, these items can just be added. If you’re just starting, use a box from home to start your collection of Project Happiness goodies! It’s a good idea to decorate the Happiness Box in a way that will help your child feel happy by just looking at it. Cutting out pictures of their favorite things, using stickers, or drawing, can all be fun ways to identify

Check out videos of Pelham Together teens enjoying their Happiness boxes:


This project is recommended for ages K - 4th grade, with decreasing need for adult supervision for the older ages. But it is open to everyone! Participation is FREE, but there are limited number of boxes available so it is first-come-first-served.

After your child decorates and "stocks" the box with items that make them happy, it is something they can always turn to when they need to take a break or just want a peaceful moment.

Please complete a separate sign up form for each child. Any questions, please email us at